Behind The Camelia bijoux hides Lucie Fossemalle, a french designer with an atypical background.
Creation has always been a part of my life. Like all children, I loved to draw, cut, glue etc. As soon as I was old enough to make more accomplished creations, I turned to jewelry design. At 10 years old, I was already selling my first gourmet jewellery on my Skyblog (You might not know it but it was a very popular blogging plateform for teenagers in France). Over the years, I have been able to explore a multitude of different techniques and evolve my style.
In parallel with my studies in political science in Lyon, I continued to create through the realization of creative tutorials on my blog and my books. At the end of my five years of study, I decided to pursue my dream and officially launch my jewelry brand.
The click finally happened during my internship at the Embroidery School of Salé, in Morocco.It is an association that trains young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to professions related to the embroidery arts. The association also aims to preserve this Moroccan know-how which is gradually disappearing. This association was founded by Fadila el Gadi a renowned Moroccan designer. For six months, I was in charge of managing the association. So I had the chance to sit around wonderful embroideries every day all for six months.
The embroidery that immediately caught my attention is the Fez embroidery with its geometric patterns are exacty the same on both sides ( See "Creation" for more information ). I immediately thought about using this embroidery for jewelry making. After months of learning, it was decided, I was going to launch my embroidered jewelry brand!
This is how The Camelia bijoux was born! (And "bijoux" means "jewelry" if you were wondering ;))